First of all: foundation is not always necessary, even if your skin is not perfect. During summer, when the weather is dry or humid and the temperatures are really high, using foundation might be annoying and being without can be scary. So: is there a solution to this dilemma? Of course! You can for example use strategically applied highlighter and concealer, which is not heavy as a foundation, but it will make your skin look fabulous and radiant. Here are the three magical steps for an amazing, summer face, without using foundation.
Step 1: Exfoliate
When you’re exfoliating your skin, you’re effectively unclogging your pores. After the process your skin will look brighter, smoother and younger. Sweeping away that dead and dry skin, along with all the other surface debris that might remain on your skin after cleansing, stops it from making its way into your pores and causing stubborn stoppages in the form of whiteheads and blackheads. A nice and healthy face is the base of every beauty look.
Step 2: Add Some Inner-Corner Highlight
Applying a little highlighter to the inner corner of your eyes is a classic makeup artist trick for making the eyes look more awake. Just Google any photo of Jennifer Lopez at a professional event. You’ll notice that her tear ducts gleam like most people’s cheekbones. Highlighter is probably one of the most handy and transformative modern cosmetic inventions. Use the silver one and carry it with you in the bag, so you can adjust it during the day, as you do with your lipstick.
Step 3: Use a primer instead of foundation
Makeup primers are a gel, cream, or liquid formula that, when smoothed over your skin, fill in your tiny creases, large pores, flaky patches, and bumpy textures, creating nothin’ but a smooth surface for your makeup to glide over. During summer you can really try to wear just a primer and nothing else, because it will erase and hide all the small lines and leave your skin smooth and radiant. At the end you can always add a bronzer and a touch of pink blush, which is always fine and welcome.
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