What a good question, right? Cellulite is excessive fat located directly beneath the skin. It causes the skin to appear lumpy and will visually look dimpled. Usually it hits your hips, stomach, butt and tights. Ok, in two words: almost everywhere! Here we go with three super fast tips on how to get rid of it.

The more you move, the less you will get hit by cellulite. Any exercise that uses the muscles in your thigh will help to define the muscles in that area.
You can do it by yourself, using a specific anti cellulite cream. When you perform this massage focus on your thigh and use lotion. The massage has to bee smooth and it has to last a bit. When you are focusing on cellulite in the stomach area think cardio. Swimming, running, and even walking are great ways to burn away excess fat in this area. You should invest in a cellulite massage tool. They can be used to increase the circulation in this area and help your body to remove the cellulite. Insisting is a good way to fight it.

Drink a lot of water
It really helps! If you want to flush out the excess fat you need to drink a lot of water. Great ways to help prevent the appearance are watching your diet and exercising regularly. Make sure you avoid refined sugars and watch your sodium intake.
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