I don’t like rules and I think fashion, today, is not about rules anymore, but when you are not 20 or 30 anymore, well, you have to pay attention to the details. And avoid some big mistakes. For example, I highly recommend you to avoid wearing: really short shorts, miniskirts, ripped jeans, unfitted blazers and baggy tops. Never buy stuff that can make you look older. You are not in your seventies, so there are great and fun ways how to make bright colors look awesome on you. Skip granny shoes, nerd glasses, chain jewelry and granny cardigans.
Here are some good tips
- Always wear a very good pair of shoes
- Pay attention to the denim. It is superb to have a good pair of blue jeans, not the firs model you find, but a really good one. It has to look rich, fine on your butt, elegant in some way and still sexy. Mission impossibile? Not really, but yes, they are quite hard to find.
- Less is more and classy is always the right choice.
- Wear sneakers, but not always. And choose them without the super huge platforms: they are ugly.
- Find something romantic that you like: a bow, a silk, blouse, a nice hair style. Never forget about your feminine part.
- Try to have you own style.
I recommend updating and upgrading your basics. Mid-life is the perfect time to acquire timeless statement pieces that add flair and interest to your look.
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