Today, I would like to share an article from the New York Post with you, which I happened to come across. It grabbed my attention, because it’s about women and all the habits we accumulate to build up our confidence. I don’t think there is such a thing as too much of a healthy confidence, and I don’t mean just when it comes to fashion, but rather in general. The following mistakes made me reflect, because I don’t actually think it’s so hard to avoid some of these mistakes, and yet we all feel the influence from society and the people around us. It’s factors like these that often keep our confidence levels low. So, in a nutshell: keep your head up and follow your path with confidence; the most important thing you can do is believe in yourself and our goals, even if others don’t understand them!
Fretting over other people’s opinions
Let’s face it, we still have lots of work to do in this department, seeing as how we’re all more or less influenced by what other people think. The desire to always be perfect and have everybody be approving of us, can often lead us down the wrong path, because you can never please everybody, and even if you could, it still wouldn’t be right. So you should pay more attention to your inner Self and your personal wishes, only then you can start living life to the fullest.
Thinking you’re always right
Personally, I think that an intelligent strong person is one who can say “I’m sorry” and can understand that sometimes they’re just not right. A lot of power is hidden in realising that there are other people, which also translates to other points of view and opinions. We can make a mistake, and the right thing to do is to correct them, because it’s never too late to say “I’m sorry”. The word has a magical power, which can clear all misunderstandings and often even improve relationships.
Talking too much instead of listening
Blah, blah, blah … There is a lot of this going on in the modern world, end not so many people who walk the talk. There are also not that many people who know how to listen. Hear what a person is telling you, truly and honestly listen to the words that mould our lives with their power. Don’t forget, a good listener is much more appreciated than a good rhetoric.
Thinking you can do it all by yourself
It’s very valuable to be able to work in a good team that supports and understands you. Women can be excessively jealous and competitive, but every so often in life you get the chance to work with real, sincere, and competent people, who enable you to grow and become a better person. So open your heart and give yourself the chance to find the support you need, thus becoming even more fulfilled.
Taking things too personally
We often get offended, or think everybody’s got something against us. This is, of course, far from reality. The world can keep turning even without us and our issues, so the notion of a conspiracy against us is simply unrealistic. It’s ok to try and solve a situation, even if you had been wronged, but move on when you do, and don’t ponder over how and why; things happen for a reason, even if you don’t see it straight away.
Expecting things to always go according to your plan
What matters is the destination, and the way there is often different than what we first had in mind. But still … the journey should be magical, even if there are detours, rises and falls ‒ that’s ok, it’s all part of life. Plans can change along the way, so it’s important not to be too hard on yourself, but rather forgive yourself. After all, you never know what’s going to come around the corner: it can be great or not so good, it’s always a part of your plan and meant for you.
Being dismissive to others
Getting famous or successful can come at a price that may not be worth paying, especially, if we know that it will hurt others. You get what you give, it’s a fact. Maybe things won’t happen right away, but they will happen, remember that. So remain aware of people around you, speak up if there’s something wrong, but don’t go around people’s backs, because it will come out sooner or later, and it will come out worse than in the beginning.
Looking for validation in others
This is another important thing to keep in mind. Women have a strong intuition, which means we know very well what we want and where we’re going. Opinions can matter, especially when we’re close to our parents, partner or a best friend, but too many opinions will confuse you. Instead, listen to yourself, go deep into your feelings, and you will find the answer and solution at the bottom of your heart. You already have all that you need. Don’t ever doubt that, because it’s all in your heart.