Does it ever cross your mind that we’re not alone? That all of our stories are actually closely linked and we’re just people standing in a circle, stretching our hands out to each other and going through experiences that are very similar? Do you even think of the possibilitythat there is someone high up above us who loves us unconditionally and thinks about us atany given moment that we’re simply the best? This happens to me.
I look for goodnessin words. And if I can’t find it, I start over. If I don’t understand, I ask, if I don’t like it, I try hard to find something positiveabout it, and if it’s not meant for me, I don’t listen. When you start looking for love or the good in people and situations, which have until that given momentonly made you anxious, then something about you has changed apparently, made you grow, made you stronger, different. The only way to change others is to change ourselves, there are no exceptions. This works in every situationand it’s the only magical solution when we are already bleeding badly, because some walls cannot be moved and some thoughts are deeply rooted, and on the other hand, you already know that our journey didn’t start so that we would change others. Maybe there is some truth in that we’re supposed to change ourselves, because inner growth is the only thing that can make you 100% happy and new realizations become rays of light in the darkness, they’re eye-opening and they gently whisper that “change is always good”. Let’s follow our heart at least until it breaks and when it does, let’s nurse it as if it was made of precious crystals and let’s admire this amazing ability to heal, forgive, move on and respond to love every single time.
We should be able to close our eyes and forgive everybody before we fall asleep. First in order to free ourselves and then to sincerely wish everybody good luck. And peace. Every one of us deserves it and we would all be better off, if we could find Eldorado within us. Here I differentiatetwo different categories of people: the ones I adore now and the ones I’ll love later. In between, there I am, the justice of my own universe, setting boundaries, choosing playing fields, figures, moves, the one who opens and closes the book, first wild then gentle, in action then calm, the sun and rain, everything at once and everything in the same person. That is who we all are. Mosaics of emotions and flaws, because we look for happiness in others and when we find it, we don’t realize it’s just a mirror image of ourselves, because yes, everything is within us, it always has been and it always will be. So we can expect a lot, we can take out of the golden bowl of life with a big spoon, because it is handedto us and yes, it is fair. And we wouldn’t even need comparisons to others, because there are no two persons alike, so there is no point in knowing what our neighbor has, because their garden is completely different from our own and ifwe knew him well enough, we would know that their wishes are different from our own. We are each a unique soul of our own. We each have enough space in this universe.
Do you know what we should be doing? We should stand in front of a mirror every morning and tell ourselves out loud: “You are beautiful, competent, strong, intelligent, unique! I am you best friend and there is nothing more beautiful than keeping you company.” Because these things matter and they’re not meaningless. To honor ourselves just for existing. To honor ourselves just because we’ve made it through another week of a full and wild life and for all the weeks, months, years that are still to come, all the success and, of course, a few missteps, because wouldn’t life be insanely boring, if we all always flew so high among the stars and didn’t get the chance to learn a single lesson? Do you remember how it felt when you got your first bad grade in school? The sadness mixed with the belief that you can do it and that is why you will do it? Because kids just move on, they’re like a train, they don’t stop, all they know is that they have to reach its destination and don’t allow themselvesany distractions. That is what we should be like today, wild, confident, sure that we can, independent and full of magical dust that we keep in our soul anyway. My darling witches, have you told yourselves today that there is nothing as beautiful as being a woman, except being so strongly connected with the universe and everything that’s keeping a close eye on us?
I taught Sofia that her power was in her words and all the emotions that she has to let go of. That the strongest person is the one that can say they’re sorry and admit their mistakes, the one that offers you their hand, even if they have had the worst fight with you, because everything comes and goes and the scars remain, but is there any sense in opening old wounds over and over again? When I look around me, I always see two options: I either see few people that march with a similar pace, or I see a bunch of angels with big wings of light that always show me the way. It’s not that important, whether you’re alone or not, if you only understand that in a universe this big we cannot really be alone. And so ithappened that I forgot about fear and turned the light on where it actually always has, but the problem was I didn’t look for it. If you’re looking for change, look within. Demanding change from others is like uprooting a flower: it will never be the same again. And what’s even worse, after you do that, you know exactly the direction it’s going to grow in. I’d rather be surrounded by people as they are, without changing them, because they’re wonderful in all their imperfection.
There are so many wonderful things ahead of us. So many autumns, springs, winters and summers. An abundance ofeverything. Too bad we only have one life.
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