Somehow I feel that this sentence is one of the most appropriate for this uncertain time. We are all struggling and wondering when things will get back to normality. I even don’t want to think that there is a small chance they will not, or that life will never be again as before. I am already thinking about the fashion weeks in September, trying to understand if the fashion world will be able to wake up, or if things will drown far away and abnormal will become the new normal. I miss my life as it was before, but there is something in the air that gives me hope and summer is here, so hot and bright, with its bold colours and nature is telling us that everything will be fine. The only possibile choice is to believe. It is in those very moments when everything looks hopeless that we have a real chance to grow into something better: what the caterpillar calls the end of the world, we call a butterfly!
The journey to such transformation is smoother when we can step back from anger, fear or grief and take a breath, before emotion takes over. Then we can enable the issue to pass, for not even those feelings that seem so enormous, important or overwhelming stay the same. Given time, what is vital to us now will soon lose its relevance. Knowing this means that we can be more at ease with change. As thoughts come and go, as we watch emotions rise and fall like waves, as physical, emotional or mental pain is felt and then gone, we see how this coming and going applies to everything, even our breath. This sense of rhythm informs us that, if we wait long enough, even the darkest of times will also pass.
These turbulent times make us crazy. There is no crystal ball to predict precisely when the coronavirus pandemic will end, how it will end, what the total human, social, and economic impact will be, and how everyday life will change when we emerge from it. As we work to solve problems, there will be uncertainties, risks, and change. Managing these uncertainties and risks is an essential part of the journey. Start by naming and managing these fears. I think the most important thing is to say it loud; we are:
- angry
- desperate
- hopeless
- confused
- sad
- scared
And much more. Changes and challenges can also help us connect deeper with our values and ignite our passion. What have you noticed happening to you, in your family, in your community, in this country, and in the world that draws a strong reaction from you? What changes do you wish to see? Personally I would like to feel summer inside me now and forever, so slow down and work with people I love, to care less about others opinion, to have my parents healthy and safe, to live a shining life, full of love, friendship and with a heart of compassion. And I would like to start right now, not tomorrow, or in about three hours, really now. I would like to have enough courage to move mountains and change boundaries, to say I love you and forgive every time I can.
I truly hope this is a new me, a better version, the one that changed. And this is the change I want to see in the world.
*** Dress, shoes Ancient Greek, bag SkinnyDip London, jewels JCrew and ByNouck
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