I am a super busy woman and I believe you don’t have a lot of free time as well. We live in a society which is full of tasks and it is really amazing to be part of the drill, but from the other side I find it very stressful.
There are days when I just don’t have enough energy, I feel slow, sad, without the right motivation and, most of all, without quality time for myself. This does not mean I am putting myself at the first place, but, well, I think the “Me time” is crucial to be happy and satisfied and finding time to “Just be” can be a great challenge. Prioritizing time to do the things for yourself will not only make you happy and keep you sane, but it will probably also make you more efficient when tackling the less fun aspects of your schedule and to-do lists.
You can do several things to find more quality time for everything you love, for yourself and the places you adore. Breathe, never overthink, step back and try to enjoy life as a beautiful game, which is not, unfortunately, endless, so is quite good if we learn to feel its savour and count as mush stars as we can.
Step back for a second or more
You have to know which are your priorities, what you really want and wish to achieve. So make a wish list and let your mind flow. Just write down everything you would like to have, then write down how you really spend your time. Keep a detailed diary for a few days. You might be surprised by how little time you spend doing things you love most. The key question to keep asking is, “Are you spending your time on the right things?”
Give up what you can
Women are master chefs in wanting to do everything. We are wives, mothers, business women, friend, daughters, housewives and much more. Of course we want and ask to ourselves to be perfect in every occasion. It’s a mistake and perfection, as you probably know, does not exist. Ask yourself what you can delegate. Maybe your 11-year-old can’t load the dishwasher quite as well as you can. What can you outsource? Housecleaning is an obvious answer, but also think about things like tutoring for your kids. Before you decide you can’t afford this, scrutinise your spending. When something you’re working on is good enough, stop. It’s a waste of time to do everything perfectly.
Reschedule your schedule
Establish one or two “non-negotiables” and work your schedule around them. Create your daily to-do list on an index card. The card forces you to focus on what’s important. it’s impossible to do everything. When you’re realistic about how much you can do in a day you’re so much happier. And isn’t that the point? Break projects into pieces. The optimal amount of time to spend on a task is 40 to 90 minutes. After that, take a break to recharge. Keep in mind that work will expand to fill the time available for its completion. When you give yourself incremental deadlines, you’re more likely to get things done quickly.
According to a Real Simple/GfK Roper happiness study, 65 percent of women who say they’re “very happy” make time for themselves. (Only 39 percent of women who are “somewhat happy” do so.) So which comes first, the time or the happiness? Impossible to say. But the odds are good that the more time you make for yourself, the happier you’ll be.
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