Few people are blessed with the ability to feel good about themselves almost all the time, and even for them, it can sometimes take work. The good news is that it’s certainly not impossible, and the way to get there might just be to fake it ’til you make it. Just like we all have moments where we feel down on ourselves, we also all have moments where we look in the mirror and think, “Dang, I look good.” On the days you’re not feeling super confident, try to remember that one time you did. Ask yourself one simple question: ‘How would I be acting right now if I was feeling great?’ What would you be doing, how would you be standing, how would you be breathing?”
Try correcting your posture
Can you believe that your posture affects how you feel? You can use “power poses” as a tip to increase self-confidence. Slumping can make you feel more sad, while sitting up straight and holding your head high can make you feel instantly more powerful. Changing how you are positioning your body tricks your mind into holding the emotion that you would hold in a more upright posture. The next time you’re feeling particularly down, try correcting your posture.
Work in front of the mirror
Keeping a positive affirmation tucked away in your mind is always a good idea — pulling it out when you need it can help you feel good about yourself. Think of something that works for you. You can look for ideas online or just think up something on your own. As a public person and entrepreneur I work a lot in front of the mirror, it helps me to feel more confident ant so check everything: hands, posture, mouth and eyes.
Never talk negatively about yourself
Because you are the best and that’s all. Every time you think something bad about yourself, immediately think of something good to counteract it. You don’t need negative thoughts, they are not helpful, so just push them gently away. Bye bye.
Work on your breathing
Just like adjusting your posture can change your attitude, so can specific breathing techniques. When you’re feeling anxious, you’re often told to breathe deeply and slowly to calm yourself down. Something similar can make you feel a little bit more confident at times, especially in nerve-wracking moments. Stay calm, everything will be fine.
Self-confidence is widely considered one of the most attractive qualities anyone can have. Work on it!
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