We fear what we don’t understand. And what we fear, we seek to control. And really, that’s what this panic is all about. Coping with the fear. Trying to find a small measure of control over a situation that seems to be made of pure chaos. So amid the scary stories it’s worth remembering that, while we may not have control over everything, there are evidence-based things you can do to help yourself. Take care of yourself physically: eat healthy, exercise, and get enough sleep. Maintain connections to friends, family, and others in their community who can offer a critical support network by phone or video. During this time of understandable anxiety, give back and reach out to other parents when they need support.
There are many things that you can do while home
As a first step, don’t neglect your physical and mental health. Meditate. Do jumping jacks in your living room. Practice yoga. Whatever it is that works for you, do what it takes to care for your body and mind. You can learn a new skill, revisit that long forgotten project, promote your work online, think about your career plans, be nice to your fellow humans, write in a diary your thoughts, fears and experiences, so you can keep them and read them when everything will be over.
Do not be afraid of society
Because there’s help available for everyone. There are people who not only understand what you’re going through but can also help you cope with it, if you allow them to. One feature of anxiety is just sort of worrying about things a lot, sometimes irrationally. It’s just important to accept that, as it’s one of those situations where even accepting our own fears and even helplessness is something that we’re all going to have to live with for a while, until we know what’s happening. There will be fear, negativity and at times self-pity, because a lot of people would’ve had some expectations, hopes, dreams or goals, but now everything has come to a standstill.
Stay positive and take control
It’s important for people to focus on things that they can do to keep themselves staying positive, focusing on their own individual hobbies and avoid getting into confrontational situations. Focus on oneself. There’s no harm in thinking about the future, but don’t get attached to plans or become so dependent on them that they fall apart when things don’t go accordingly, because things are unpredictable. So either you plan really long-term, or you plan small chunks — the next month, the next two weeks, the next week, day-to-day — because we have a little bit more control in that… and it’s literally one of the situations where you pretty much have to go from day to day.
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