Just like Earth’s powerful sun, we each have our own inner fire. The fire that nourishes our hopes and our dreams. Your Inner Fire is that fierce, powerful part of your Self that does the hard work of bringing your dreams to life. In the same way that crops would cease to grow without the Earth’s sun, your life would shrivel without your Inner Fire.
Whether we are conscious of it or not, all that is present around us significantly influences our psyche: the environment, weather, people, world events, solar and planetary systems. Being aware of these influences can teach us how to connect with our environment in order to boost positive intentions, experiences and outcomes. We can move with the ebb and flow, rather than try to swim upstream and against the flow, costing us energy, time, money, stress, failure and conflict.
As in all things, energy is carried by something – usually in the form of movement. Going with the flow of a specific energy can enhance every aspect of your life: clear thought, physical fitness, emotional fortitude, and spiritual connectedness. Because the power of fire is felt most intensely in Summer, Summer may be the best time for you to concentrate on rebuilding the energy consumed during the Winter and Spring months. Re-kindling that inner fire that we used to stay warm during (all) those cold months is now re-purposed to light our way and illuminate our inner being. To ignite our passion! Summer is about expansion, growth, activity and creativity. It empowers and enlivens and opens possibilities!
Be delightfully present, inquisitively alive, show up every day. Seek adventures and bask in the thick sunlight of Summer. Let’s invite our lives to ripen. Allow our deepest passions and fascinations to be our guide! The idea of being mindful – being present, being more conscious of life as it happens – may seem contradictory to those who are used to sacrificing living for pursuing their goals, but cultivating presence will help you achieve your goals while enjoying life more at the same time.
The universe will not live your life for you! Listen, the universe is indeed conspiring on your be-half and it most definitely has your back but you’ve got to take some baby steps. I’m not saying that every day you have to conquer the world but small steps my dear, small steps.
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