I told myself so many times, that I am not a winter person. I love summer, hot sun and sea, I love being on holidays and reading a good book, while time slows down. In winter I am always cold, I stay home a lot more, but sometimes it seems as if winter has entered my soul. Quietly, silently, lightly as a snowflake. Taking a moment to admire the beauty of snow (no matter how deep), can calm the beast in all of us.
Like snowflakes your words fall silent. But my heart still hears your voice.
I can’t think of a better friend to hibernate with than a dog. Loving, loyal, and true, a dog will be there for you during lonely and lovely times. The cold weather season’s sunlight houses nature’s enchantment. Whimsical rays fall on the snow and create a sparkly new canvas to admire. I do love a good snow for just this reason. It taps into my inner child who used anything under the sun as a sled, even a tray table! Now, I love finding fun ways to go sleighing with my daughter. And, of course, we adore making snowmen together using creative things. Snowfall also brings out the dreamer in me, as I give a wistful nod to the girl I once was.
In nature, we see that trees stop flowering. They are in a state of dormancy; their growth slows and even stops in some cases. This dormancy is actually a good sign for the tree, as it is a normal part of its life cycle and important for the tree’s overall health. The same is true with us. We need seasons of rest every year — pushing too hard can hurt our creativity and our health. This winter, we can allow ourselves to press pause on our continual pace of productivity and rest. Consider a “staycation” or a couple long weekends where you intentionally let your mind and body rest, rather than work. This will set us up well to leave the winter season rested and ready for the creativity and life that comes in the spring.
During the winter months, the less obvious parts of trees — their roots — are in a state of being “resting but ready.” This phrase points to the dormancy of the roots, which, like the rest of the tree, slow growth for the cold season. Life is a journey, salted with successes and peppered with failures. They have grown you into your unique soul. So when the wind chimes of dreams once lost, listen. Then, believe in your path. Sometimes, a path calls for you to walk alone. And, still, it is beautiful.
To me today the winter season is a time of strengthening ourselves.
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