When comparing time and money it isn’t just about the quantity, the actual amount of time or money. More time is actually associated with greater happiness. The feeling of having more time adds quality to one’s life. The greatest gift you can give someone is your time. Because when you give your time you are giving a portion of your life that you will never get back.
It’s about being present with yourself; mind and body. ‘Me Time’ is the conscious effort of taking (much needed) time-out to recharge your batteries. Me time can be spent in a range of ways and can vary for person to person. It can be achieved through having a bath, reading a book, going for a walk, performing yoga, getting your hair or nails done, and so many more activities. Essentially, as long as you’re alone with your thoughts and undertaking mindfulness during any activity, you’re successfully spending some quality ME time.
It is amazing how our mind and body communicate with us, and regularly undertaking Me Time allows you to understand their messages and take actions according to what you need to be healthy. Getting in tune with your mind and body isn’t hard, but it does take concerted effort. Sometimes, a little step back can make us all a lot more productive and focused on the goals that we need to achieve. Overworking is one of the biggest causes of procrastination. Taking some ‘me time’ can really help us to re-assess our tasks and be ready to hit them head on!
Having time for yourself gives you the chance to break free from social pressures and tap into your own thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Finding time to be alone can also have a number of key benefits. Becoming comfortable in your own company can give you the time and freedom to truly explore your own passions without interference. It can be a way to try new things, research topics that fascinate you, acquire knowledge, and even practice new methods of self-expression. Giving yourself alone time means you can explore these things without the pressures and judgments that others may impose. Having time to yourself is critical for growth and personal development.
Instead of worrying about the needs, interests, and opinions that others may have, alone time lets you focus on yourself.
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