I guess red is the right colour for the holiday season. And aside from the gifts and unending gatherings, our outfits can contribute a thing or two, too! Whether you’re leaning towards the edgy and cool or dressy and sophisticated, our favorite celebrities and fashion girls have shown us how to wear a touch of red in every kind of style. It could be something very simple like an evening bag, maybe a pair of high heels red shoes, a had band as in my case, a touch of red on the lips and nails. I have to admit that red is not one of my favorite colours, but I like the small, edgy touches that red can give to my outfits. Today I decided for a type of outfit you put together easily and it would be suitable for a day about town, school and more. A nice way to enhance a simple outfit is adding a pop of color or a unique piece.
My style is as follows: skirt Rinascimento, coat Sisley, blouse Silvian Heach, bag and shoes Nine West, head band Anthropologie.
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