A special place is saved for knitted and embroidered details, which are most often found in ethno or retro inspired pieces, while this summer, we're also in love with the more girly pieces, which usually entail pastel colors and embellishments, such as flowers...
That's their charm, being timeless in theworld, especially fashion world, that is constantly changing. And so are the pieces I always opt for, because I'm not one for instant anything, not even coffee, when somebody offers me an instant cup.
I go back to that beach in Miami every year, hoping that I will get to experience the perfect moment again. It hasn't repeated since, but I can still feel it within; not as a memory, but certainly as something more significant that lies beyond everything, ever...
I'm still at half speed, because summer is just the sort of time when I like taking it easy and become less occupied with work and life in general. That is why I take more time for the small big things that make my life nicer and are usually the key to my happ...