Its antioxidant properties, coupled with its role in collagen synthesis and pigmentation regulation, make it a must-have ingredient in any skincare regimen.
I've already written about Starskin face masks: one of the reasons I love them is that they don't come in the form of cream, but are applied to fabric, which gives you the instant sensation of a profound effect.
I compiled a list of creams that I think are very good, but I would like to emphasise that this is my personal opinion, because the same cream is not necessarily the right match for every woman and every skin type.
I'm writing from my personal experience, hoping to give you some useful advice. I for one know that choosing a foundation can be a mission impossible task, because it's difficult to find the right shade, and an even more demanding condition to find only one pr...
What you need besides the traditional and classical liquid foundation, which you probably already have, is a palette of several compact powders for a bit of shading: lighter under the eyes and at the tip of the nose, darker along the hair line, and the natural...
I don't support profound changes, because I believe that it is good to be in touch with your personal style, especially when you reach a certain age, and to know exactly what suits you.