We don’t go anywhere without one, and I think that every woman has her own collection of bags, because they mean a lot to us and for the most part make our lives easier. Their contents make up our world, whether it’s a large and more practical tote or a significantly smaller and fashionable model. Bags should be a good investment, that’s when they last and can become our companions over many years. Just take Chanel’s bag for example-it’s still iconic and fashionable today, even though it’s history spans over 20 years. Colors and models may change, but Chanel will always be Chanel, and it always tells its story. This summer has lots to offer; it mostly revolves around small handbags and the focus is on the handle.
Mini bag
This one became an everyday must, although it originates from eveningwear. A mini bag used to only be appropriate for evening occasions, but we now wear it during the day. The hard models are handier, but even so, there are only a limited number of items that will fit into one.
Scarf for a handle
You can wear a scarf around your neck or simply tie it to the handle of a bag in a particular way as an embellishment. Opt for a colorful silk one, and the handle should be large enough, so you can wrap the scarf around it. This way you can play around with various combinations, match the scarf to your outfit, or opt for contrasts. The scarf is making a comeback.
Bamboo handle
Gucci started the trend, which is still very hot. The handles are in perfect contrast with the bag, which is usually elegant. The bamboo handles are lacquered and quite sophisticated, on the other hand, as recognizable and fashionable as the Gucci bag is, it comes with a price, and not exactly an affordable one.
Metal handle
This type of top handles are very interesting and different; the metal can be golden or silver, it’s usually a larger handle and smaller bag, which, again, comes from the world of eveningwear. With small shapes as the guidelines, the handles become the point of interest. This type of bag can define a style and ensures that our look is different.
Raffia bag
It’s beautiful and endlessly spacious. It’s reminiscent of a beach tote, which also makes it extra versatile, because it can hold everything we need. Raffia bag is a must-have of the summer, and it is lovely and useful, whether it’s embellished with pompons, frills or lace. Truly, a must-have!
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4 thoughts on “Five bags of this summer”
The designers at fashion week know their audience. For some women – especially fashion conscious women – style is often more important than practicality. However, even when practicality is necessary, it’d certainly better be stylish.
We saw a lot of these tiny bags paired with larger ones, perhaps to be used as a separate coin purse.
The news so far? Good things come in tiny packages!