People who know and show proper etiquette are often perceived as being elegant. Even if you weren’t born into an elegant environment, it is something you can learn by watching people you admire, reading guidelines on proper etiquette, and following the advice. And then you need to practice until it comes as second nature. Let’s start with a very simple question: what is elegance? Elegance is an attitude, is having inner style and knowing how to dress in an appropriate way. It means also to know which are the good and bad parts of your body, to know your environment and people you connect with. There is nothing you can do about the fact that people will judge you by the way you look, so use it to your advantage. But elegance is not just the way you look and what you wear, is also about how you speak and the words you choose. An elegant woman speaks with confidence about topics she knows. She is also a good listener who makes the people she’s with comfortable. If you’re able to put other people at ease, their impression of you will be positive.
Smile often and make eye contact. Speak clearly and avoid using slang that isn’t familiar to the people you are talking to. Be a good conversationalist. Turn the attention to the other person, and she will think you’re brilliant. In order to be perceived as an elegant woman, you must act with dignity and poise. Don’t do something childish or silly just to get attention. Be kind and generous to others. Be respectful of personal space. Don’t crowd people who clearly need more elbow room. To be considered an elegant and classy woman, you should exhibit good mannerisms wherever you go. Having good manners is easy and it will not cost you anything. So, greet people in a friendly tone; be generous and smile; know when to say thank you and welcome; apologize when you wrong someone, and use the word “please” more often. Stay away from mouthy and sassy girls as they might infect you.