Adidas, New Balance, Nike… One more beautiful than the other and no, not just to go running or take walks in the nature. We actually live in a time, when sneakers are quite fashionable and there are lots of women who swear by the sporty casual elegant style. This allows you to wear elegant outfits with comfortable footwear for a fast stride. Thus sneakers have become a must have in the workplace; not every workplace, of course. There are some that have their own, quite strict dress code, but for the rest, sneakers are allowed. It’s still good to have an understanding of certain rules that keep us from making a style-step in the wrong direction.
Always nice and clean, as if they were new
This really is the number one rule, because sneakers, especially white ones, tend to get dirty quickly. So keep a cleaning kit handy to make sure they’re always spotless. If they’re leather you can use general leather products, but if they’re fabric there’s nothing else to do than to give them a good machine wash. Be careful with the colours: they tend to fade.
For a modern look
Wear them with boyfriend jeans, plain white T-shirt or a shirt, a blazer, tousled hair, some nice earrings (a good piece of jewellery is always important). If you’re a skinny jeans kind of gal, you can still wear sneakers, just make sure they’re not too bulky, because the contrast between the skinny jeans and bulky sneakers will be too much.
For an elegant look
Wear them with a knee-length skirt or dress, it can be tight (a pencil skirt) or A-line (for this you need slim long legs; and try to avoid it, if you are not tall).
For comfort and elegance at the same time
Wear them with a pant suit, that can look really good. A couple of years ago this combination would be out of the question, but it’s the thing to do right now. I also like the latter on men, because it gives a dramatic air to a combination that is otherwise very serious and proper.
For cold winter days
Wear sneakers with a longer coat and of course wear tights (the key is for them to be not too thick nor in the sheer, nude tone). You can wear a nice sweater in any colour, from black to pastels.
Don’t forget about feminine accessories
Create a contrast between sneakers and elegant, feminine accessories. This gives you a free pass for any skinny belt, clutch bag, hat, shiny jewellery and hair bands.
4 thoughts on “How to make sneakers work for work”
The secret is to keep them nice and clean, as if they were new! BTW I truly love Allstars! 🙂
Very cool and useful reading! More of these articles please!
Thanks God sneakers have become a must have in the workplace!
Thank you for writing about this! AMAZING!!