I oftentimes meet women who are young and beautiful, charismatic and interesting, however, I can’t help but notice that they wear shoes that are completely wrong, choose wrong makeup or colours that just don’t suit them. One of the reasons I respect fashion is that we can use it to look fitter, more beautiful and younger, so it can literally help us raise the level of our self-esteem; clothes do make the (wo-)man. There is no need to own a very expensive, designer wardrobe, on the contrary, I believe you should pay attention to certain mistakes that mostly happen, because we don’t take enough time in the mornings to thoughtfully put together our outfit. From this point of view, it’s good to prepare the outfit the evening before, especially when we have an important meeting or event to attend in the morning. Don’t forget that the clothes we wear say a lot about us and our habits, so if we want to project a positive attitude, let’s pay attention to these possible style mistakes.
Black is an excellent choice, but not head-to-toe
There are exceptions, for example a late dinner, the little black dress, a black suit, but always try to liven things up with a bit of colour. It can be just a string of pearls that are light enough to make you look younger. Pay extra attention to the area around your face, lighter tones will make you look younger. Be especially careful, if your hair is black: you can get completely lost in an all black outfit.
Shapeless clothes
Even if you’re not in top shape, it doesn’t mean that you should be wearing only shapeless, baggy and straight-falling clothes. You should always show off your waist line, so keep in mind that every piece of clothing needs some form. If you’re wearing oversized clothes that are too baggy, it looks as if you’re hiding from the world, and that’s not a positive message. Blazer? Yes, but it needs to be fitted.
Long skirts that are too long
A lot of women feel they should be wearing a long skirt at a certain age. The mini length is risky, but don’t overcompensate. Long skirts are nice in the summer, with sandals, ethno style, but otherwise forget about it and go for a midi length. The mid-calf length are demanding to wear and only accomplish the desired effect on slim women that wear sky-high heels.
Wrong bra
Did you know that you should make the measurements once a year? They tend to change quite quickly due to gravity, weight and hormonal changes, so don’t think that a bra you bought four years ago still suits you 100 %. It is quite possible that the elasticity has gone, the lace is no longer appropriate and the shape isn’t flawless anymore. All of these things show from underneath your clothes. Good quality lingerie makes sure that your body looks better.
Skinny jeans that are too skinny
Since my discovery of the boyfriend jeans, all the skinny jeans seem redundant to me. I still wear them, but with much less enthusiasm, because they feel uncomfortable. The too-skinny jeans are the ones that are so tight across the waist that the belly sort of flows over their top. When you take them off, they leave all sorts of lines on your thighs; and they’re so tight that it may be difficult to sit for a while. Forget about them. Even if you’re very slim and beautiful, they’re not appropriate when you’re going for a more elegant look. Their worst side effect is making it seem that a woman doesn’t accept growing older.
Heavy correction glasses
Personally, I like the correction glasses with the thick frames, but they create shadows that make us look older. So if the area around your eyes is a problem area, rather choose light frames that don’t emphasise the lines and give you a softer look. There are many beautiful frames out there, and since buying glasses is a lengthy and demanding process, take your time and also be prepared to pay a bit more for them.
Hiding your neck
Many women start hiding their neck when they notice some wrinkles there. This is a mistake, because hiding your neck visually closes you up and not showing any skin on your neck and cleavage is not a good thing. I know that the neck is usually the first part of your body to get deeper lines, so try to put some more effort into skin care and still show off your neck. Closing up your face with sweaters and scarves never looks good; this too gives the feeling that you’re hiding. Trust me, a couple of wrinkles on your neck is not a disaster. They’re not as noticeable as you may think.
Not wearing figure shaping lingerie
Or wearing it only when your dress is figure hugging. This type of lingerie is always useful, even under jeans, so give it a try. Not all models are necessarily “grandma-models”, quite the opposite ‒ they’re not thongs, but you can even find lace and perfectly wearable colours.
Wearing shoes that are too heavy
I could have written a whole essay on this topic … unfortunately it seems that the wrong shoes are the passion of Slovene women. I’m sure it has something to do with the fact there is not a great variety of choices and that good shoes tend to be quite expensive. You should pay extra attention to the heels: low and wide are in at the moment, but they’re not flattering. Also, mind the colour of the soles ‒ it shouldn’t stand out from the colour of the shoes. Don’t go overboard with platform soles or round shapes. Forget about the elastic ballerina flats, you’ll look alike you just stepped out of a Peter Pan cartoon, and forget about strange colours I notice around stores sometimes. Keep it classical, my dears, and if you’re up for a change, always keep in mind to make it sophisticated.
5 thoughts on “Nine style mistakes that make you look older”
In love with this page…keep going
You are so right!
Less fashion mistakes and more style! We rule the world! 🙂 Love your page…
Very useful reading