I absolutely had to write this article and the simple reason is this: women spend most our time in jeans and I know, how much I need a couple of quick pieces to put on for work, so I don’t lose time, but still feel beautiful and neat. There are new, really special winter sweaters, which will, besides jeans or leather pants, offer a good solution to your problem, because they come embellished with pearls, braids, open backs, asymmetries, and appliqués. Sometimes they’re Bridget Jones’ style, sometimes Scandinavian, but they’re always interesting. Have you already chosen yours?
Warm knitwear has an important function, of course: keeping us warm. If it’s the right length, meaning not too short, they can become our winter companions, because they cover our tummy and perhaps another critical area, such as the hips. They look gorgeous worn individually, so no jacket over them, which is especially true for voluminous and thick cardigans; they don’t even need upper layers, especially at the office, where it’s generally nice and toasty. Colors? Everything is fashionable: from classic and winter dark shades to the bright ones, where red is queen.
Let fringe, stripes, and ruffles be your guide. Practically everything is allowed, so even a classic high neck sweater in combination with corduroys, for instance, is a timeless and welcome look. If you opt for 100 % wool, mind the maintenance instructions and don’t get too upset, if the sweater is full of lint after ten days: that’s just the way it goes, it’s the way the way wool reacts and you can’t do anything to prevent it. There are some tricks for getting rid of lint, but they don’t really work. The knit will get thinner eventually (sooner rather than later) under your arms and shoulder where you wear the bag.
Writings. Chiara Ferragni style, to be sure, so very loud and large. They’re trendy, but still mind the message, written across the chest, because you can get away with more at twenty than later on. It’s a matter of personal taste, really. Contrasting combinations are gorgeous, for instance a lively sweater with a lively shirt or colorful pants. Winter in general dictates many different shades, because fashion has gotten a bit fed up with the strictness of black and grey. The color palette is diverse and knitwear plays an important part.
Keep a couple offbeat options to balance out the classics, you won’t regret it. Even though Christmas is long gone, you can still wear a reindeer or snowflake motif, precisely because you have a gentle soul and there’s still a little girl inside. As I’ve said, everything is allowed!
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4 thoughts on “This winter’s wonderful sweaters”
If you’re going for something more chic and glam, try pairing a knit sweater with leather pants or black skinny jeans with gold detailing.
Want a sleek look? Try pairing a knit sweater with a delicate skirt or dress, then belting it to show off your waistline.
Keep it simple – sometimes a knit sweater looks best with just skinny jeans and over-the-knee boots.
Stay extra cozy by layering a knit cardigan over your knit sweater.