And this new moon isn’t justthe very first one of the year — it happens on 1/11, aka 111, which is an important number in numerology and marks major beginnings! Cheers to that! It’s go time! The last few days of 2023 brought a lot of changes and confusion due to Mercury being in retrograde and squaring foggy Neptune. Now, with Mercury being direct and moving at a regular speed as the moon becomes new, we are ready to change ahead on our goals.
This new moon is bringing in even more fresh starts, especially for our personal and professional lives. This is an aligned time to set new goals for yourself and to reflect on the desires you’ve long held from the past and to see if they still feel aligned. And we have more power and say into what particular steps we take than we may think. So, the New Moon in January 2024 is excellent for making a fresh start, turning over a new leaf, or starting a new project. You can also question old habits, behaviors, and beliefs while searching for new and inventive ways to progress.
Heightened intuition and imagination help you take advantage of unexpected changes and exciting opportunities. Change can occur quickly but without causing upset and chaos, and you can adapt well to new conditions. Chance encounters are possible; this is an excellent New Moon to make friends. They could be unusual or eccentric or from different cultural or ethnic backgrounds. This is the best time to write down and script your dream reality and bring it forth into existence. Spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and practically, January’s Capricorn Moon can set the stage for the entire year’s personal growth journey. Get the beginning right, and the rest will ripple out from here…
This lunar phase may prompt you to reflect on and honor traditional values and wisdom, guiding you to draw strength from timeless principles.
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