Substance abuse destroys lives. It can lead to alienation from family and friends as well the loss of employment. People who are addicted to substances may steal to pay for their drugs or alcohol. They may lie to the people closest to them, and damage both professional and personal relationships. According to, People often use substances such as alcohol and other drugs because they like the way these substances make them feel.

Addictive substances trigger the brain’s pleasure circuits, making it more likely for people to use the drug again. But what if you are ready to stop using addictive substances? What can you do to work toward recovery? Read on to learn how you can overcome substance abuse, courtesy of Graceful Story.
Learning to Stay Away
If you’re trying to change a habit like abusing drugs and alcohol, stay away from people and places you associate with unhealthy behavior. In other words, if you have a friend you always took drugs with, avoid associating with that person. And if you always used to drink at a certain bar, don’t go there. If you make it a point to avoid these types of situations, you have a better chance of recovering from addiction.

Connect with Professionals
Some people are able to quit drugs and alcohol on their own, but others will need help from an addiction treatment center. And if finances are tight, there are rehab centers that are free and dedicated to helping people overcome their addictions in a healthy, lasting manner. In fact, Scientific American reports that patients at treatment centers “get instruction in formal relapse prevention therapy.”
The treatment center may prescribe methadone for withdrawal symptoms as well as psychiatric medications for other mental health issues. Patients may participate in group therapy and work with licensed counselors who can help them work toward sobriety. Connecting with a counselor for personal therapy sessions is also a possibility.
Another option is to connect with a wellness coach. These professionals can help you formulate a lifestyle plan that supports your health goals in a holistic manner, and takes into account your personal preferences and needs. They can also help you with concerns like finding motivation, accountability and connecting you with other services that can offer support and guidance.

Support from Family and Friends
Overcoming substance abuse requires the support of people who love you. Relying on loved ones to give you encouragement as you strive for a healthy lifestyle can provide further strength to turn away from drugs and alcohol. Of course, your relationships may be damaged because of your addiction. Consider family therapy or counseling to help repair those relationships, and then surround yourself with sober people who exert positive influences on your life.
Follow a Healthy Diet
Eating a healthy diet is an important way to combat substance abuse. When you eat healthy fruits, vegetables, fish, poultry and lean meats, you feed your body with the fuel you need to remain happy and positive. So, instead of eating fatty foods and foods stuffed with sugar, eat a diet that will increase your chances of remaining sober.

Work Up a Sweat
If you want to overcome addiction, exercise is important. Instead of getting high from drugs and alcohol, you can receive a mood boost from physical activity. Running, walking, lifting weights, dancing, yoga and other forms of exercise can help you get and stay sober. Exercise offers you a natural high that helps relieve stress and cope with the demands of life.
Your smartphone can be useful in helping you monitor your regimen, thanks to the many apps and tools available for tracking information like heart rate, pace, and so forth. You’ll find many apps that allow you to track your eating habits and sleep, as well, so it can be a terrific partner in helping you on your journey. Whether you jog, bike, do yoga or choose another exercise, keep your apps handy. You’ll be surprised at how encouraging they can be, just showing your steady progress.

Overcoming substance abuse isn’t easy, but millions of people have done it, and so can you. Get support from multiple resources and address your lifestyle in a proactive manner. Don’t forget that eating right and incorporating regular physical activity into your life will effectively boost your mood so that you can enjoy a natural high.
Graceful Story is here to provide a wide variety of fashion tips and information. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
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