Growing older doesn’t mean you have to lose your looks. Looking young and natural is something affordable and possible. But remember: it has as much to do with the inside as the outside. When you give your body the nutrients it needs, your blood cells are happy and it shows on the outside. Also, when you are eating a diet that is healthy, with no sugary or fried foods, your skin will be free from blemishes and glow.
The most important thing a woman can do for healthy skin is daily exfoliation all over, not just the face. Second tip: clean a lot! Many women still go to sleep wearing traces of makeup, they just put on their skin, which is not enough clean (as I don’t want to write the word “dirty”) a super expensive anti wrinkle cream. But it will not work. First of all clean, but clean really well, and then start your beauty routine.
If you want to look healthy, nice and natural, you have to take control of your level of stress. Many people in their 50s have been living with stress for years. There are so many supplements and techniques you can use to minimize stress. I think the most important thing is to make sure you take all of the B vitamins, including folic acid, daily. Try also to get a little sunlight every day. And it’s always a good idea daily, even for just a few minutes, to deep breathe and exhale the stress.
The point is to grow older gracefully, because turning 50 has never been so popular…. or looked so good. Our face shape changes as we age, so consider to change also your makeup. For example smokey eyes with pale lipstick is a very flattering palette on older women. Choose matte shades in neutral colours like grey and taupe, but avoid frosted and shimmer make-up as it just gets stuck in the cracks. At 50 you will never look 30 again but if you do decide to go down the cosmetic surgery route with fillers or Botox, use them sparingly. A less invasive option is a chemical peel.
Getting your teeth whitened will knock years off. Aim for a natural finish by a professional – the cost of made-to-measure bleaching trays from a dentist has tumbled so there’s no need to burn your gums off with cheap, badly-fitting trays. The “power brow” is in fashion, but women in their fifties may have plucked their brows into non-existence. Use an angled eyebrow brush and dark powder make-up to thicken your brows, but don’t be tempted to get thick, black slugs tattooed on your forehead.
Never forget about your hair! Contrary to popular opinion, grey hair is finer than pigmented hair, but because it’s lost its oils, it feels coarser. Heavy conditioners will make grey hair limp so choose a style and hair product that give it volume, like 69-year-old silver fox Helen Mirren. Mid-length, choppy shapes suit most older women.
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