When you are examining the meaning of the color green, it is obvious to assume it is connected to the natural surroundings and promotes a sense of freshness. It is also the color of fertility and rebirth just as the spring flowers grow and bloom each year. Green has also become the universal color for ecology and has even been used as a verb in recent years. Shades of green have also been known to encourage energy restoration. Did you know that there are more shades of green than any other color? The shades range from the lightest yellow green to the darkest emerald green. These colors can be used in a variety of ways in home design.
When examining the meaning of the color green it is important to also take a look at the effects it may have on an individual. It is known to revitalize when someone is emotionally, physically, or mentally tired. It is the most predominant color on Earth and nurtures individuals to feel well and renewed. If you are thinking about the possibility to add a touch of green in your home, you can start with some simple details as:
- cushions
- carpets
- curtains
- tablecloths
- candles, vases, glasses
Last year, we spotted the seeds of this indoor-greenery revolution, and it’s since grown to epic proportions. Now, a new green trend is sprouting: the use of the color green throughout elements of home design. According to environmental psychologist Sally Augustin, PhD, principal at Design with Science, this influx of green likely stems from our deep-rooted connection to nature and its supportive qualities. Separately, several studies have also shown that the color green itself may have a positive effect on the psyche, whether by boosting levels of optimism in memory recall, increasing feelings of comfort and calm, or enhancing performance on creative tasks.
It’s conjectured that we have such a positive response to green because a lot of time ago, when we were surrounded by a lot of green plants, it meant that life was generally good.
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