The goal no matter if small or really big needs to be broken down to steps. And the reality is that we actually don’t need the whole plan of steps although it is usually useful to think a little ahead. What’s necessary is just the first really small step. Courage isn’t about knowing the path it’s just about taking the first step. All accomplishment starts with the decision to begin. If you wanting to take that first step then do it today, don’t hesitate just act! Make the decision today to start something and do it.
The bigger the goal, the more you have to go out of your comfort zone and therefore the bigger the resistance. And I believe that this resistance also applies to small goals. Making the first step generates a momentum – a power force that if followed and sustained can get you to your goals. Life rewards those who are willing to be involved in it and take chances. You should not wait until the situation is perfect because the situation will never be perfect. No matter how or when you see it, there will always be something that make you think again.
We might think that we need to have good skill before we start doing something. But the truth is, you will learn much more by doing than by waiting. Doing allows you to hone your skill much faster than just learning the theory. Do not leave it for tomorrow. Remember that “I will do it tomorrow” means I will definitely not do it today, I am procrastinating, and perhaps, I will never get round to doing it. It is also important to understand that success is not only about achieving your goals and dreams as you had defined them initially. We need to be: flexible in order to accept an impenetrable wall or adapt to an ever-changing reality; humble to admit our flaws, failures, limits, or bad planning; and ready to redefine our goals or find another way round to reach them.
A mountain climber who conquered Everest didn’t fly to the peak of the mountain. They started their journey at the base of the mountain and began their trek by placing one foot in front of the other. Start now!
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