The real heart is the real you. The real you who does see rightly and knows. The you that is you. Remember, Epictetus says that we must put every impression to the test—and that includes our snap judgments of other people. That they have tattoos or come from a lifestyle different than ours or have a made their share of mistakes, this is not what is essential. What matters is other people’s character, their essence. And this essence is not immediately visible to the eye, it must be searched for and felt. The same goes for life itself—the trappings that other people value are usually the most glittering and obvious. But wealth, fame, power, these matter very little. They turn to dust like everything else, which is why we find again that it’s character and joy and peace that matter more. They’re harder to see, but they matter more.
Moments of rupture, of crisis, and distress, when everything we took for granted suddenly seems up in the air, always also harbour an opportunity to take stock and to reassess. To look at our life and the lives of those around us from the point of view of an intergalactic traveller, or, indeed, a child. At one point in the book, the little prince explains to the castaway that real seeing is not even a physical activity but a matter of the heart. What changes our world and our being in the world is that there are things, activities, and people we care for deeply; and we make them as special (for us) as they are.
Eyes are blind, you have to look with the heart. Love encompasses a variety of strong and positive emotional and mental states, ranging from the most sublime virtues, deep interpersonal affection, and simple pleasures. No matter who you are, loving and being loved are the only things that can bring you happiness. Love connects you to people who can uplift you in your lowest seasons or vice versa. You also get motivation from your beloved icons, friends, and family to achieve specific goals. The main reason to do what you love is your happiness. Finding that place will not only provide contentment, but also make you more motivated and better equipped to do the best job possible. You won’t just be happier; you’ll be more productive.
To see rightly changes the course of our lives. To choose wisely makes you happy. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.
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