I have been thinking for a while now that I should write an article about the books that keep inspiring me and make sure I’m in a good mood and motivated even when my day isn’t off to a great start. They’re not novels, but rather books that one can read regardless of the specific era in our lives; they’re always on target and above all, they don’t require daytime reading, because you can’t lose the train of thought with them. I don’t know how you start your day, my mornings are usually quite peaceful: I make coffee, sit at the kitchen table admiring the light and the day which is still very quiet, and there are one or two books on the table to start the morning with. These are precious moments that I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world. They’re minutes I devote to myself and they help me acknowledge I still know how to stop and do something for my soul. I’m going to share these books with you today and I sincerely hope that they will make a difference in your life as well.
A Year Of Living Mindfully (by Anne Black)
I love this type of book, because it’s a diary at the same time with a lot of blank space to put down your thoughts and the lessons we’ve learned. Once we see them on paper, when we see our own words written down, we’re on the right track to slowly start changing some of our habits and giving them specific form. This book is full of practical advice all with a psychological aspect enabling you to test yourself and in doing so, gaining a better understanding of yourself. Essentially, you learn to forgive yourself, which is the most you can do for yourself.
How To Be Confident (by Anna Barnes)
I simply adore this book, I can’t even find a better word to describe it. Its concept is so simple and effective that I fell in love with it, mostly because of the drawings and positive advice. I could read it ten times and still find something new. It’s divided into chapters that cover human needs related to confidence. I pick it up when my morals are low and I’m feeling blue, and it instantly lifts my spirits. A part of its magic lies in the fact that it can be a substitute for the kind of friend that doesn’t judge you but always stands beside you and knows how to be silent. In my opinion, being a good listener is one of the greatest virtues.
How To Be Calm (by Anna Barnes)
There is a series of her books, a new one, How To Be Happy, was released not long ago and I intend to order it soon. This book is meant for all those who realise all too well that a day only has 24 hours, and even though they would like to get more things done, time always catches up with them. How to calm down, how to breathe, eat and, in general, live effectively … There are mantras, funny bits, words filled with good energy and, again, wonderful drawings weaved in throughout the book. It’s perfection on paper, which also touches on the subject of negative people and explains nicely how to go in a different direction.
Start Where You Are (by Meera Lee Patel)
It’s a notebook that you can use to put down your thoughts and it’s filled with instructions and advice on how to live a better and more beautiful life, at the same time. Nothing revolutionary, just a sense of time, people, place and personal satisfaction. If you like pastels and watercolours, your eyes are in for a feast, and as if that wasn’t enough, there are some quotes from The Little Prince, a book I just love, and I know I’m not the only one.
How To Be A Wildflower (by Katie Daisy)
This book called out to me mostly because of its title and the adjective wild, a word I can identify with: a flower that is wild and gentle at the same time, which makes it complex and speaks to all women. It contains a variety of things, from recipes, advice, beautiful thoughts and poetry to maps and questions … It’s a little treasure box filled with beauty, and I seem to always open it on the exact page I really need at that moment. A coincidence? I don’t think so ‒ all of these books are magical to me, and I also think it’s not a coincidence nor a fact that all the authors are women.
7 thoughts on “Five favourite books that keep making my life better”
Well done
Lovely, smart and useful! Nice reading…
I will buy them all! 🙂
How To Be A Wildflower is a truly wonderful book! A must have for this summer
Books and photos are sooo niceeee! So thankful for this post!
Hi! This was a very useful post and the choice of books is great! Thank you!