During your hard times, no matter how bad it gets, you must remember that you were designed to bend, but not break. Bruce Lee once said:
Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind
eing able to bend, be flexible and open minded isn’t as natural for us as it is for the bamboo or willow tree. We are hard wired to make judgements about what’s good and bad, safe and unsafe, right and wrong. People are creatures of habit. One of the easiest ways to become more open-minded is to change up some of your routines. This can help us to take a new perspective. To approach things from a different angle or better understand issues and people around us. Sometimes very small shifts, loosening up our rules and redefining them as carefully considered principles could have a significant impact.

At some point in life we will all experience a storm. For some, this storm will come and attempt to rearrange everything in your world. Your relationships, your career and your finance may all take some type of hit. Such changes can be devastating and have the potential to break a person down from all of the stress that comes along with it. When you bend you make the decision that this challenge will not defeat you! Your ability to thrive depends, in the end, on your attitude to your life circumstances. Take everything in stride with grace, putting forth energy when it is needed, yet always staying calm inwardly.

One thing always stands out to me when our fleeting storms arise, and that’s the fact that no matter how strong the winds blow, the palm trees don’t fall. I hope you will take these words to heart today. No one is going to have a perfect life, but we can always decide to live in peace and strength!
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