In the northern hemisphere, this September 23rd will be the autumnal equinox. Many civilizations have celebrated a harvest festival around the equinox. Many cultures see the second harvest (after the first harvest Lammas) and equinox as a time for giving thanks. This time of year is when farmers know how well their summer crops did, and how well fed their animals have become. This determines whether you and your family would have enough food for the winter. That is why people used to give thanks around this time, thanks for their crops, and animals, and food.
Modern Mabon celebrations are a time to give thanks for the abundance of Mother Earth – both literally and spiritually. It’s also a good time to reflect on the Wheel of the Year, recognizing your successes and letting go of the things that did not serve you during the past twelve months. As the Wheel of the year comes to an end, Mabon is a good time to set intentions that involve decrease and reduction such as ending bad relationships, unhealthy habits or self destructive beliefs.
One of the easiest ways to celebrate Mabon is decorating your home for autumn. I like to bring in both fresh and dried flowers and gourds to place throughout my kitchen and other living spaces. I’m lucky to have my own cutting flowers and trees to collect acorns and pinecones from. If you don’t have access to your own greenery, a visit to the local farmer’s market or even a short walk in the woods can provide plenty of Mabon decorations for your home.
There is an invitation to turn inward and assess how much energy we have in our reserve bank or in our energy savings account, for this will determine if we need more rest, or whether our next life initiation is a smooth rite of passage, instead of a baptism of fire. May you honour your soul’s seasonal shifts with the reverence they deserve. Make your intentions be gentle and kind, so that they bring you joy – there is no rush. The manufactured society that we live in expects evergreen results. But that’s not sustainable. Find your pace. Find your flow. Honour your spirit. Pay reverence to your divine timing.
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