I recently found an interesting magazine for moms in America and I immediately got excited toshare it with you as soon as possible. Because moms just happen to be a universe of its’ own,and those of you who have children, know what I’m talking about. This magazine is a collection of success stories about how to best organize your time, how to throw a fun party for your child, how to find time for a lavender bath, and how to bake the best apple pie. I laughed over stories that happen in the States, but also where I come from, because it’s a fact that we’re all alike. I once bought Wonder Woman briefs and even though I had never put them on, they have a permanent place in my drawer. Each of us is a superhero in a way and we each deserve all the best, but mostly our family’s gratitude, because, you know, if we start falling to pieces,then everything around us does as well.
We could always be better
Of course, but it could also be worse. What I’m trying to tell you is that we strive for perfection and we forget that a day only has 24 hours and that there are people there who are supposed to help us. A super mom sometimes refuses help offered simply because she is used to doing everything herself, not because she doesn’t need it. My darlings, I know many people should be able to read our minds and still help, even if we say “No thanks”. But the universe didn’t include this magic antennae feature in everyone’s basic package, most often it’s an optional feature that costs extra. So ask for help and make sure you don’t do everything yourself.
Pinterest, Instagram and the rest
I use allpossible promotional platforms, but you should know they’re quite unreal. Sometimes, I see these gorgeous moms on Pinterest, pushing strollers around in high heels and it makes me so angry. Ok, it’s just a picture, but we know perfectly well what’s what: what also marks us asmoms is that our children get us dirty, mad, they take our time and ensure thatwe have no time for reading. Remember, this is the same wherever you go around the world, but all of it still has some magic, probably because all these situations make us stronger. And when I’m at the end of my ropes, I think to myself: if I’ve given birth, I can handle this as well…You know what I’m talking about, don’t you?
Me time
I think we’re wrong not to take it. And if there is a new mom on the other side of the screen right now, maybe you’ll tell me to go to hell, but I know what I’m talking about. Moms sometimes fuse with our kids, forget about our own wishes and needs and all of a sudden, we turn 60 and want to go somewhere, maybe dancing, out for dinner or to take a vacation with our best friend and we seem weird. Do you know why? Because we should remember to set boundaries from the start and make it crystal clear that our child is the best thing in the world and we are also alive and smart, which means that we want to be alone now and then.
When it gets rough…
What we need in the moments when everything goes wrong is a trick to solve the situation. This is probably the most true when you have a teenager at home. It’s similar with small children who can’t tell you they’re hungry, but start this whole process of bad mood, which makes you wonder, who stole your kid all of a sudden, because they were normal five minutes ago.
What you need, is this:
- crackers ‒ because they instantly sooth hunger so your kid will have less trouble waiting for the meal (the downside is that they often won’t finish the meal, because they’ll be full from the crackers, which they don’t want to stop eating…)
- pop corn ‒ a good solution for all the timeswhen you teenager is in front of the TV or computer (meaning all the time), because they will know you’re thinking of them and providing a full service, as if thoughthey’re at the movies
- Bolognese sauce ‒ because pasta rocks and it’s the quickest thing to cook, which makes Bolognese the perfect solution and probably also the first thing your kids start to prepare once they take their first steps into the kitchen
- chocolate ‒ because I know eventually your sugar levels will drop and the next phase is blackout, so be brave, have a piece of that chocolate. I won’t get all smarty-pants on you and tell you it has to be dark, just keep whatever you love around and don’t stop until the world seems a better place again. Amen.
Personal grooming
Taking time for your beauty rituals is a must. They can be simple, but they still work. A warm bath, foot massage, nail polish, face scrub, anti-wrinkle mask. Once you do something for yourself, it’s like giving yourself a hug, it gives you a boost of energy for others and eases the fatigue. If you’re constantly in overdrive for others, your nerves will get the best of you, but beauty rituals, which can only take you 20 minutes, will make you feel instantly better. Sometimes it’s good to let everything justbe,and reset.
In conclusion: always take the time for beauty rituals, that is a luxury to be treasured. Once you bake that cake, prepare lunch, when the eventful weekend is coming to an end, don’t forget about yourself. Take a few minutes to start shining again, even if it just means reading a chapter of the novel that’s been waiting on the nightstand for six months…
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