We’ve all heard a lot about chemistry that’s supposed to exist between two people, haven’t we? You know, love at first sight, the tingly feeling down your spine, and the sense that there isn’t enough air in the room, these are all symptoms of true love. The chemistry actually exists and it allows us to have the relationships we’ve only dreamed of until then; and it also makes us feel as though we completely depend on the physical reactions to our partner in our body. Interestingly, the key to catalyzing the chemical reactions, which can be very long lasting, is the first impression or the first time we meet. Psychologists’ point of view is that every relationship should be based on chemistry, so it’s crucial to sense it, or rather, so as to not overlook it, because it’s neither obvious nor common. So, what kind of relationship do you have with your partner? If you’re in a long term relationship, you’re probably used to them, but they should still give you butterflies, and the other way around, of course. Sounds impossible? Not really, if we follow a few tips, at least that’s what psychologists and researchers say.
Meet your soul mate
They do exist? Don’t they? There are several theories, but everyone is supposed to have a soul mate, with whom they can communicate almost telepathically. With the ideal partner, words are surplus, sense of touch, smell, and sight are enough. That’s when we talk about soul mates.
It’s a driving force
It’s the potent kind of love, which throws you against the wall and leaves you clueless. If there’s no chemistry, you don’t need a second date, you can’t be bothered. Your mind often forces you to give someone a second chance, when the heart already knows that’s not it. So listen carefully and don’t waste your time.
The bond between two people
Chemistry is the link that bonds you forever, even if you don’t end up getting married and having children. It’s still something that deeply and intimately ties you to a person very similar to yourself. It can be someone you don’t know very well, but you “feel something”; and that’s the moment when even science fails to explain what happens in our brain, because “that” sense something that is beyond reason.
Chemistry for wellbeing
Chemistry always gives us extra energy and enables us to perform better. If we’re in love and happy, we also do better at work and success is just around the corner. Health is no longer an issue and even money finds its way to us. Why? Because we’re letting the Universe know that we’re happy and satisfied and that is probably the only message the Universe wants to hear.
Once you realize, how good you feel around your partner, with whom you share a chemical bond, there is no way back, just like with adrenaline or drugs. The sense of passion and being in love is a perfect and precious thing that we should guard from the rest of the world. It’s not a bad thing to be addicted to love, but remember that love for yourself should always be a priority, before everything else.
Second puberty
Ever notice, how couples in love kiss and hold each other close, even if they aren’t exactly spring chickens anymore? I always admire mature people hugging and holding hands, as if they were 16, because love is an ageless thing that doesn’t discriminate … And that’s the proof. When you hit puberty the second time round, you also get a little bit crazy, in a good way, and perhaps more open to experience things the way you used to.
Positive attitude
Chemistry makes us think positive thoughts, because we feel like nothing bad can happen to us, we’re invincible, not only as far as love is concerned, but in every aspect. It’s actually beneficial to be in love, so we should all try to make the feeling last forever, or at least as long as we can manage. When we feel it’s not the way it used to be anymore, we should try to find a way to get it back. Because it’s not lost, only hiding.
Not acting rationally
It can be a good thing or a bad one, depending on the person, but being crazy in love always comes with a certain level of foolish behaviour. We’re not rational, because we act from the heart, but that’s just the initial phase, which levels out with time. It’s important not to inhibit it completely, but allow it to linger. It’s good for us as well as the partner.
Making compromises is important, because black is not always only black, and white is not always white‒there are many shades in between. Refusing to compromise and being stubborn won’t get you far, so you have to know when to give in a little, because more than a sign of weakness, it shows intelligence and emotional maturity. Much the same as forgiveness does.
Chemistry is impossible to explain
What’s most interesting about chemistry is that it’s not related to beauty. We can fall in love with a person’s intellect, their sense of humour, a sense of security or a quality that is less obvious. It can simply be something we feel deep inside us without having the ability to explain; we just know. Another thing worth remembering is that there are many things we are aware of, so it’s okay to listen to ourselves more closely and give less importance to what the rest of the world thinks.
More about this here
4 thoughts on “It’s all about the chemistry”
Understanding the true heart of love can answer the question of developing chemistry and attraction or regaining it after the end of limerence. The heart of love isn’t found in a complete loss of reason and lack of emotional control. The heart of love is found in decisions and actions.
In some cases you may meet a person and begin a relationship. You share common interests. Discussions over time reveal to that you agree on many topics such as child rearing, handling finances, religion, politics and other areas that often trip up a marriage. You seem like the perfect couple. But there’s one catch. You’re not attracted to each other.
Love is not a feeling or emotion. Love is what we do, say and how we act to serve someone else.
True love is when you take conscious and repeated action to serve and commit to another person.