I don’t think this is a simple question, as happiness is a destination and a very long way, that lasts all life long. I have a lot of things that make me happy, my family, my friends, my job, my career, books, candles, clothes and so many other things, but sometimes it’s quite difficult to see them, we are too busy with our work and don’t have time to stop and just enjoy life. As sam Clasby wrote:”Your happiness matters. We tend to put other people’s happiness before our own and make excuses for the reasons why we neglect our needs – we are too busy, too skint, too stressed out. If you don’t value your own happiness then no one else will. It is entirely possible to look out for your own needs and still care about your friends and family. If you are happy, you are more likely to spread happiness and care for those around you.” Today I will share with you the things that make me happy, but also some tips on how to find happiness when we feel bad, or we are in a negative situation. I hope that this article will help you, wherever it finds you.
Make your own happiness a priority
The rule is very simple: if you are not happy, you can’t pretend others to be happy with you. So, try to switch on the positive and happy mode, to join people that are happy and laugh a lot. Sometimes life is bitter, but is still wonderful and full of colours. Think about yourself, do you deserve to be in a bad mood? Not at all! So find out what makes you happy, which are the things that you really love and start doing them, not tomorrow, right now!
Be yourself. Everyone else is taken
We don’t like the copy paste effect, right? Ok, maybe you are not perfect, but do you really believe others are? I think you have to be proud of your quirks and weirdness, stand tall and proud and applaud your inner awesomeness. You are unique and this is amazing! So yes, find inspirations on Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook, but then be yourself!
Be grateful
You have a lot and the best way to understand it is to start a journal and write down every day the things that you see, feel and observe in your life, things you are grateful for and that make your life so special! They can be also very simple, as a walk in the woods or a cup of good coffee in the morning, just find them out! We have so many nice things in our life and I thing we are not grateful enough, we always take all for granted, which is a big mistake.
Be kind
It costs you nothing and it takes you so far. Have nice words, ask people about how they feel, be nice and kind, help, call you parents and friends, don’t forget that you are never alone and there is so much to give! Kindness breeds kindness. Its a simple one but so important. And never forget kindness is the best weapon to use with the enemy.
Let go of the past
Our pasts define who we are and we can learn lessons from the things we have gone through, but when your past is keeping you from moving forward it becomes a problem. We have all had tough experiences but if you are reliving the pain of this experience again and again and it is affecting your present then it is time to let go.
Be mindful
Live in the present, in the here and now. It is so easy to let busy lives, technology and procrastination take over our lives, but being mindful of the things around you can bring peace and happiness into your life. Take time to notice the things that are important in your life right now, experience life as it happens. Don’t dwell on the past or imagine how great things could be in the future. This moment is the only thing guaranteed to you in life, we never know what the future holds so enjoy today.
Appreciate the things you have
Perspective. There will always be someone better off than you and someone worse off than you. Learn to appreciate the things you have, rather than worrying about the things you don’t. I’m not saying we shouldn’t aspire to be greater than we are now, but don’t be so busy in thinking of the things that you don’t have that you forget to appreciate all you do. You have a lot!
And never forget to spend time with people who make you happy!
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