There are many ways witches celebrate Summer, the season of growth, happiness, inner light. You can decorate your altar with summer fruits, flowers, or leaveva candle burning all day long to honor the sun and the element of fire. These days I am spending quite a lot of time nearby the sea: the water speaks, the waves are angry before the storm, the sand is so full of shells, white and hot, after the long sunny days. Fire gives us warmth and light, and symbolizes passion, creativity. It is amazing to light candles on the beach, while watching the sunset and listening to the nature. Everything is reseting in peace.
The sun is often thought of as masculine, and the moon feminine. The God and Goddess. As the days grow shorter and the sun’s strength diminishes towards winter, we can also call upon the universe to support the healing of the world. Of course we can heal also ourselves, we can think about old relationships that need to be gone, we can focus on what we want, on a better life, on the best version of us. And fire helps, a lot. I light a candle and I thank the universe, the sun, for the element of fire, and for all of its properties which heal and support our lives. Focus on the flame and think of the things that inspire you. Think about the fire inside of you that you’ll share with your community, and that will bring love and passion and healing warmth to the world around you, and picture it burning stronger. The fires of anger and grief are sacred too.
Summer reminds us that there is hope in the world, that the light within can spread to the far reaches of the globe and inspire others. We can nurture others, just as the Sun nurtures us. Summer becomes a time to work on ourselves and our ability to be the light and find meaning in our journey, even when it seems uncertain. This is the rhythm of nature; new beginnings transition into a period of uncertainty. During this time, it is easy to fall pray to anxiety and worry. Big shifts also cause old energies to surface and darkness can easily take over our mind. Summer is the time to develop faith in our life, squash the darkness with light, and trust that just like the Sun, we will rise each day no matter what life brings us.
Expressing gratitude is a good thing to do any day, but especially on a Summer. Write gratitude statements for everything that you already possess and everything that you want to come your way. Part of the manifestation process is to actually feel gratitude for what we want before we even have it. Through this act, we are telling the universe we trust that our wishes will be fulfilled and the very act will call in the energy we desire. However you choose to celebrate this season, be sure to spend some time feeling the Sun’s rays on your face and standing fully in the light as you learn to stand fully in the light of your own existence.
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